Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro appoints Gamuda Ferrovial to progress design and procurement 

18 October 2024

Alinta Energy is pleased to announce the selection of Gamuda and Ferrovial Construction as the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) partners for the Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro project.

Alinta Energy is pleased to announce the selection of Gamuda and Ferrovial Construction as the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) partners for the Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro project.

Working alongside Alinta Energy, Gamuda and Ferrovial will progress the project's design and undertake initial procurement discussions to better understand contractor capabilities and resources at every level - from national to local.

As the project has yet to receive its final approvals or reach a final investment decision, these discussions will be preliminary in nature and not a guarantee of future work with the project. 

Alinta Energy’s Project Director Anthony Wiseman said this project phase is about working through the project costs and constructability.    

“It’s the most advanced pumped hydro project in NSW - and one that we think is critical for the energy transition. 

"In this phase, we're ensuring that we can get the parts, we can get the materials, we can get the labour, and at the right cost, so that construction can commence once we receive our remaining approvals and make a final investment decision. 

"It's exciting, but we still have a lot of work to do to make this project a reality," he said.   

For further information, please contact: info@ompshydro.com

Local MPs (both wearing hats with backs to camera) join OMPS Project Director Anthony Wiseman for a site visit.